Larry Linenschmidt on Creation Care From Three Perspectives
Larry Lineschmidt speaking at Concordia University, Austin, TX, November 2023
In this presentation given at Concordia University of Austin, Texas, in November 2023, Larry presents three perspectives from which we should consider creation care:
God’s Word - what the Bible says about creation care,
God’s World - what we observe as we study God’s good creation, and
God’s Work - what we do to take care of His amazing and bountiful creation.
Key scriptures to consider include: Genesis 1:26 and Colossians 1:15-17.
We were created in the image of God and given responsibility for caring for His creation.
Areas of concern which Larry reviews in this presentation include loss of biodiversity, the growing accumulation of waste and trash, pollution in various forms, and a warming planet.
The third perspective, God’s Work includes individually talking about creation care, personal decisions to be responsible stewards of His creation by composting, installing efficient electric appliances and insulation, planning our yards to include plants which are adapted to our drier and warmer conditions, and more.
In reaching beyond our personal lives, we can be courteous and gracious advocates for clean, practical, nonpartisan solutions for our air, water, and energy needs at the local, state, and national levels.