The Works of C.S. Lewis & Friends
Conferences and seminars in which we look at issues of concern to the Body of Christ today through the lens of the works of C.S. Lewis and the Inklings
A Day with C.S. Lewis
[2016, San Antonio, TX]
Mere Education: C.S. Lewis as Teacher for Our Time
[2014, Austin, TX]
Speaker: Dr. Mark Pike
Held at Regents School of Austin and at Concordia University, Dr. Pike spoke on Lewis’ educational vision and how it applies to issues of critical importance for parents, students, teachers and school leaders. Pike’s book, Mere Education, clearly describes the boundaries Lewis perceived that will protect schooling from an incoming tide of ideological assumptions that threaten to erode and undermine excellence.
A C.S. Lewis Celebration Dinner: Celebrating the Life and Legacy of C.S. Lewis
[2013, Fredericksburg, TX]
Presented at a Hill Country Estate near the base of Enchanted Rock, this event included a beautiful, plated dinner and a live presentation of Lewis’ “The Weight of Glory”.
C.S. Lewis and the Divine Presence: Living the Mystery of the Indwelling God
[2013, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX]
Speakers: Lyle Dorsett, Marjorie Mead, Jerry Root
Five C.S. Lewis scholars, a panel discussion, live music performances, capped off by a moving concert by The Brilliance.
Worldview Unplugged: C.S. Lewis’ Discarded Images and Changing Paradigms
[2012, Austin, TX]
Speaker: Jerry Root
In the beautiful setting of St. Luke’s on the Lake Episcopal Church in Austin, TX, we converted a fellowship hall into a replica of The Eagle and The Child, the favorite pub of C.S. Lewis and the Inklings. Dr. Jerry Root helped us look through the lens of Lewis’ The Discarded Image to consider what it means to think as a Christian about the landscape of ideas which surround us today and, most importantly, “how shall we then live?”
C.S. Lewis on Imagination and Truth
[2009, Concordia University, Austin, TX]
Speaker: Angus Menuge
A Day With C.S. Lewis
[2008, Austin, TX]
Speakers: Dr. Garry Friesen and Dr. Joel Heck
Drs. Friesen and Heck lead an exciting time of considering how the works of C.S. Lewis can assist us in integrating faith and reason.
Irrigating Deserts: C.S. Lewis on Education
[2007, Concordia University, Austin, TX]
Speaker: Pascal Forgione, Joel Heck
Conference title is from the book by Joel Heck of the same title which is a quote from C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man.
Third Austin C. S. Lewis Conference
Goodness, Truth and Beauty: Apologetics and the Winsome Christ
[2006, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX]
Speakers; Joel Heck, William Lane Craig, Peter Kreeft, and Frederica Mathewes-Green
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
[2005, Concordia University and Redeemer Lutheran Church, Austin, TX]
First Austin C.S Lewis Conference
The Rediscovery of Evil: A Christian Response
[2002, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX]
Speakers: Peter Kreeft, James Houston, and Dan Davis
Church sponsors included Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, Westlake Bible Church and All Saints Episcopal Church. Other churches and individuals provided financial and volunteer support.
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